12-Lead electrocardiogram in the dog: When and How
12-Lead electrocardiogram in the dog: When and How
During the webinar basic of the interpretation of the 12-lead electrocardiographic system will be provided, starting from the analysis of atrial and ventricular vectors formation of the different cartesian planes and relative waves formation. Using this system different topics will be discussed in detail giving algorithms regarding the analysis of normal and abnormal atrial and ventricular activation, the differential diagnosis for wide QRS complex tachycardia, and intraventricular bundle branch blocks.
DVM, PhD, DECVIM - C.A. (Cardiology) Adjunct Professor of Cardiology (Cornell University - Ithaca - NY - USA), Clinica Veterinaria Malpensa, Anicura (Samarate - Varese - Italy), Ospedale Veterinario I Portone Rossi (Zola Pedrosa - Bologna - Italy)
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Fecha: | 01/07/2020 | Título: | 12-Lead electrocardiogram in the dog: When and How | Categoría: | Animales de compañía | Ponente: | Dr. Roberto Santilli | Duración: | 60 min. |
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